A fully-equipped Ford Transit shuttle bus has been outfitted at Hexagon | AutonomouStuff with custom technologies to allow the vehicle to perform at different levels of automation. It will be on rural Iowa roads by the end of summer/fall 2021!
Our partners at AutonomouStuff near Peoria, Illinois, have equipped the vehicle with most of its sensors and equipment.

Labels for each type of sensor:
- 5.9 GHz Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) antenna
- GPS antenna: This works to identify the location of our vehicle within a high-definition map of our route.
- LiDARs (Light Detection and Ranging): Multiple LiDARs on the front and rear of the vehicle use scanning laser light to sense the environment around it and detect objects
- High-definition cameras (in waterproof housings): Used to detect traffic light states (color of traffic light) at signaled intersections
- Mobileye 630 collision avoidance system (interior)
- Long range radars: Yet another way to detect objects, radars use radio waves to detect objects.
- Webcam video camera (interior, front and rear)
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