Quick refresher: We'll be driving a partially automated vehicle along a set route through Hills, Riverside, Kalona, and Iowa City. Individuals from local communities will be recruited to be passengers in the vehicle starting this summer. Here's our route:

Our dedication to safety
Safer roads for our future is the entire reason we do what we do.
Our automated vehicle will be just as safe—if not safer—than any other vehicle on the road. The vehicle will be driven and monitored by not just one, but two specially-trained staff members following strict safety protocols: a safety driver and a co-pilot. They will both be constantly watching the road ahead and monitoring the vehicle’s safe operation. The safety driver can take control from the automation simply by taking control of the steering wheel or pressing the brake pedal (similar to how you take over from cruise control).
Hexagon | AutonomouStuff case study: Automated Driving Systems for Rural America
Check out this article from our partners at AutonomouStuff in Morton, Illinois. They've been busy with the final software integration and testing of our new automated vehicle—set to join our fleet of automated vehicles in the next few weeks!

Upcoming webinar
Want to learn more directly from our researchers?
AutonomouStuff will be hosting a webinar with three of our team members: talking about why we're doing this project, the types data we will be collecting, and how we'll be working with participants.
When: Thursday, May 20, from 2 to 2:45 p.m., with a recording available after for viewing
(You will be prompted to create a quick BrightTALK account.)
Learn more
Automated vehicles bring the promise of greater safety and mobility for all. To reach that promise, we need to collect important data on the operation of these vehicles on our rural roadways, under different driving conditions. We will continue to share updates to keep you informed.
People interested in participating (65 years or older or those 25 and older with a disability that affects their ability to drive) can learn more at ADSforRuralAmerica.uiowa.edu/participate. Registration is not yet open, but more details about participating will be coming in our next newsletter.
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Note on COVID-19: We will continue to monitor COVID-19 and will adapt our plan with participants if needed. We are taking proper precautions to protect everyone involved. Safety—in all forms—is our #1 priority.